Crowned With Murals

O+ Positive Festival 2018 

Content and images by: Caressa Losier

Murals in Kingston | Trending In

Untitled by Samantha French (@samantha_french ) x Aaron Hauck (@aj_hauck ), Prospect St., Kingston, NY

Thanks to the O Positive Festival, new murals in Kingston, NY are popping up almost every year. On October 5-7, 2018, the O+ Positive Festival took place and we welcomed  this year’s new murals in Kingston. All of the new murals in Kingston were made with love and painted with Golden Paintworks mural paints.  Continue below to see the beautiful new murals (and a few old favorites, too)!

Riiisa Boogie

Murals in Kingston | Trending In

Eddy’s Mural by Riiisa Boogie (@riiisaboogie), Broadway, Kingston, NY

Jess x Snow x Layqa Nuna Yawar

Murals in Kingston | Trending In

Survivor Love Letter by Jess x Snow (@jessxsnow ) x Layqa Nuna Yawar (@layqanunayawar ), Thomas St., Kingston, NY

Survival Love Letter by Layqa Nuna Yawar and Jess x Snow is one of several powerful murals in Kingston that focus on identity and experience. Its uniqueness stems from the message that celebrates victims of sexual assault and their loved ones, not just in Kingston, but around the world.

>>See More Layqa Nuna Yawar Street Art

La Morena

Murals in Kingston | Trending In

Untitled by La Morena (@lamorena_art ), Downs St., Kingston, NY

Several murals in Kingston portray culture and identity,  just like this one.  This mural by La Morena focuses on the value of passing on tradition and the beauty of living in the shadow of our ancestors.

Layqa Nuna Yawar x Mata Ruda x Nanook

Murals in Kingston | Trending In

Años de Soledad by Layqa Nuna Yawar (@layqanunayawar), Broadway, Kingston, NY


>>See More on Anos de Soledad

Will Lytle

Murals in Kingston | Trending In

Goddess Gate by Will Lytle (@thorneatercomics ), Wall St., Kingston, NY

Murals in Kingston | Trending In

Goddess Gate by Will Lytle (@thorneatercomics ), Wall St., Kingston, NY

Murals in Kingston | Trending In

Goddess Gate by Will Lytle (@thorneatercomics ), Wall St., Kingston, NY

10 full days. That’s how long Will Lytle has been working on his yin-yang Mary masterpiece in a brick alley uptown. We caught Will Lytle aka “Thorneater“, an illustrator-turned-muralist, working on his first mural entitled Goddess Gate in Kingston, NY.


Murals in Kingston | Trending In

Pretty Nose by Lmnopi (@lmnopimaize), St. James Place, Kingston, NY

>>See More on Pretty Nose

>>See More Lmnopi Street Art

Lindsey Wolkowicz

Murals in Kingston | Trending In

Untitled by Lindsey Wolkowicz (@lindseyawolkowicz ), Broadway, Kingston, NY

Vince Ballentine

Moving Mountains | Trending In

Moving Mountains by Vince Ballentine (@vballentine99), Broadway, Kingston NY

>>See More on Moving Mountains

Saraula Bao x Jia Sung

Murals in Kingston | Trending In

Between Realms We Grow Roots by Jia Sung (@ ) and Sarula Bao, (@ ) North Front Street, Kingston, NY

Murals in Kingston | Trending In

Between Realms We Grow Roots


>>See More on Between Realms We Grow Roots

Dina Kravtsov and Mat Schulze

Murals in Kingston | Trending In

Untitled by Dina Kravtsov (@dinakravtsov ) & Mat Schulze, Broadway, Kingston, NY

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