Untitled by Daze (@dazeworldnyc), Welling Ct., Astoria, NY (2019).
We’ve captured some of the most memorable murals in 2019 and we’re excited to share them all with you! While many of the murals were created during the year, others came about shortly before the new year began and later developed into some of the most popular murals in 2019.
Come take a nostalgic walk down memory lane with us as we travel through some of our favorite murals in 2019.
Untitled, Bay Ridge, NY
Untitled by Cobre (@cobreart) 3rd Ave., Bay Ridge, NY (2019).
Queendom, Cambridge, MA
Queendom by Marka 27 (@marka_27), Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA (2019).
Magda Love
Soul Ancestors, Manhattan, NY
Soul Ancestors by Magda Love (@magdaloveart). Clarkson St, Manhattan, NY (2018).
Rosk & Loste
Untitled, Brooklyn, NY
Untitled by Rosk & Loste (@roskloste), Troutman St., Brooklyn, NY (2019).
Dock Asian Eatery Mural, Brooklyn, NY
Dock Asian Eatery Mural by Roske & Loste (@roskloste), Wyckoff Ave., Brooklyn, NY (2019).
Breathe Life 3, Roxbury, MA
Breathe Life 3 by Problak (@problak), Tremont St., Roxbury, MA (2019).
Lexi Bella
Crush On You, Brooklyn, NY
Crush On You by Lexi Bella (@lexibellaart), Lawton St., Brooklyn, NY (2019).
Major Key Alert, Manhattan, NY
Major Key Alert by Lexi Bella (@lexibellaart), Allen St., Manhattan, NY (2019).
Brittany Williams
Through Tragedy There’s Hope, Rochester, NY
Through Tragedy, There’s Hope by Brittany Williams (@bwilliamsart), Genesse St., Rochester, NY (2019).
Untitled, Rochester, NY
Untitled by Brittany Williams (@bwilliamsart) x Sarah C. Rutherford (@msshaftway), Seward St., Rochester, NY (2019).
Danielle Mastrion
Shirley Chisholm State Park Mural, East New York, NY
Shirley Chisholm State Park Mural by Danielle Mastrion (@daniellebknyc), Pennsylvania Ave., Brooklyn, NY (2019).
Menace Resa
In Pursuit of Magic, Brooklyn, NY
In Pursuit of Magic by Menace Resa (@menaceresa), DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, NY (2019).
Alex Ferror
Not the Future I Want, Brooklyn, NY
Not the Future I Want by Alex Ferror (@alexferror), Underhill Ave., Brooklyn, NY (2019).
Mr. Super A
Resonance, Boston, MA
Resonance by Mr. Super A (@mr.super_a), Dewey Square, Boston, MA (2019).
Uncompromised, Jersey City, NJ
Uncompromised by Rorshach (@rorshachbrand), Tonnelle Ave., Jersey City, NJ (2019).
Untitled, Somerville, MA
Untitled by Angurria (@angurria), Broadway, Somerville, MA (2018).
Eduardo Kobra
Ellis Island, Manhattan, NY
Ellis Island by Eduardo Kobra (@kobrastreetart), Clarkson St., Manhattan, NY (2018).
Alexandre Keto
Untitled, Bronx, NY
Untitled by Alexandre Keto (@alexandreketo), Cromwell Ave., Bronx, NY (2019).
Hiero Viega
Vivant Vintage Mural, Allston, MA
Vivant Vintage mural by Hiero Veiga (@hieroveiga), Lincoln St., Allston, MA (2019).
Jess x Snow
The Revolution Starts in the Earth, with the Self
The Revolution Starts in the Earth, with the Self by Jess X Snow (@jessxsnow) x Gavriel Cutipa-Zorn, Westminster St., Providence, RI (2019).